Gluten-Free Snacks For Road Trips

First thought that comes to my mind before any long road trip...what the hell are we gonna eat?! We want to eat healthy and we definitely don’t want to eat a 3-day old hot dog at a sketchy truck stop or Taco Hell and catch a case of the runs on the road.

The key to eating healthy on the road is to plan and prepare ahead of the trip. Get a cooler, fill it with meal-prepped food and/or head to the store to get some snacks for the trip. Here are some go-to snacks for the car that we like. Bonus: they are all gluten free for the folks with celiac (like my gf) or gluten sensitivities.

Rx bars, quality beef jerky (Epic brand), pre-mixed quality protein shakes (not that muscle milk shit), deli meat, hard-boiled eggs, Greek yogurt (Siggis is bae)


Fruits & veggies:
grapes, melon, apples, berries, bananas, carrots, grape tomatoes, snap peas, bell peppers


Gluten-Free Carbs:
Air-popped popcorn, quality breakfast cereals (check out the homie @lauriechristineking post for brands), grain-free granola (Steve’s), grain-free tortilla chips (Siete), fruit squeeze packs (Shine Organics), rice rollers


Dat Good Fat:
Guac cups for dipping, nuts (cashews, almonds, shelled pistachios), seeds, quality snack cheese, dark chocolate, nut butter packs (Justin’s)


Now this definitely isn’t an all-inclusive list but just some ideas to help you get started and prepare. So next trip, let’s not end up with “I tried”. That’s just code for “I didn’t plan”. If you want it to happen, make it happen!

Hope everyone’s having a great week. Drop a comment below with some of your go-to road trip snacks. Would love to know if there are any good, spicy gluten-free trail mixes out there. I couldn’t find any!

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