Why are you here?
You're here because you want to make long-lasting changes to your life and health.
It could be that you want to:
lose fat and learn how to keep it off
eat healthier without giving up your favorite foods
figure out how to eat healthier automatically without stress
live a healthier life full of energy with less worry about illness and disease
improve your athletic performance and fuel your body to maximize progress in your training
gain muscle mass and strength without gaining too much fat
improve your relationship with food and get control of your eating habits
be proud of and love the body you're in
But perhaps you don’t know how to do these things in a way where you can still enjoy the foods you love and focus on other important things in your life like your career, relationships, family, social life and etc.
Or you’ve tried and resorted to diets that leave you feeling:
hungry all the time
tired and fatigued in life and in the gym
not recovering from your workouts
not making strength and muscle gains
anxious and stressed about eating social events like holidays, birthdays, weddings, and etc
overwhelmed and obsessing about food choices, cooking, grocery shopping and etc
restricting all the foods you love to eat
frustrated at losing all your progress once you stop dieting
The truth is, you don’t need another diet. You need support, education, guidance, and accountability from a coach to learn the how, what, when, and why of nutrition as it applies to you as an individual.
So it is our mission as health and nutrition coaches to help you reach your goals and teach you how to create a healthier, happier, version of you for the rest of your life.
How OUr Method Works & What We provide
Step 1: Initial Assessment + Consultation
We begin with a free 1-on-1 initial consultation call so I can learn and understand everything about you. On this call we’ll talk about your:
goals and why their important to you
current and past eating habits
sleep, stress, and overall health
It’s also an opportunity for us to see if we’re a good fit and discuss what we both should expect from each other during the coaching process.
“You invested a lot into my life to help with more than just my nutrition. You cared from the very first 90 minute phone call about my goals and teaching me how to do these things on my own.”
Step 2: We create your Individualized Nutrition plan
Based on our initial assessment, we’ll design a nutrition plan to help you reach your goals in a sustainable way. Your nutrition plan will be 100% individualized so there’s no way for us to say exactly what it will look like but you can expect to:
be guided on exactly how to change your eating and lifestyle habits
be educated on what foods will best serve you
learn how much food you need to eat to fuel your body properly and accomplish any health or body composition goals you have
“Alex worked with me as an individual and not as a “template” and his ability to problem solve and help me to see the day to day rather than focusing so hard on the HUGE picture made it sustainable and simple.”
Step 3: Tracking Progress
Our role is to create an environment that allows you to be successful. We'll use a variety of resources, tracking sheets, and tools to measure, record, and assess progress to make sure you stay on track. How we track, measure, and record progress is still personalized to you.
For example: if you don't want to step on a scale everyday or take progress pictures, we will use other methods to help measure progress and measure progress.
“ I have to confidence to stick with a plan through highs and lows and know how my body will respond. I also have the confidence to know that if something significant changes and I have to adjust plans I can do so with confidence that I’ve done it before and can do it again. ”
Step 4: Communication and Accountability
Communication, accountability are very important for success. We open ourselves up fully for you to stay in touch as much as you need.
Check-ins twice per month either through phone calls or email to discuss progress, concerns and make adjustments to plans
Text messaging. You’ll have your coach’s personal mobile to ask questions or get help throughout the week.
You’ll never be alone throughout the entire process. We’re in your corner and will be with you every step of the way as you level up your health and nutrition.
“I enjoyed the fact that I could text him with questions or pictures of my food for immediate feedback. He really makes himself available to his clients and asks about your progress.”
Apply TO work with us
We’d love to help you and we need you to apply before we get started.
We need to understand your goals, your motivations, your lifestyle, your strengths and your shortcomings. This requires listening, asking you questions, empathizing and getting on your level. This helps me get a really clear picture of where you are currently, where you want to go, and what's holding you back. When we can fully understand you and you feel understood, really great things happen.
We believe that actions speak louder than words.
This application process shows us how committed and serious you are about truly changing and putting in work. Unlike many in the fitness space, we refuse to sugar-coat and hide the fact that this will be hard work. Even making small, manageable changes to your life can be a challenge. This will be challenging, but extremely rewarding, and we’re willing to help you succeed in all ways that we’re able.
We’re willing to fully commit to helping you. In return, we expect you to fully commit to this process, take action and do the work. If you are serious about this and this is a priority in your life, you will take action.
If you are a person of action, show us. Please apply for a consult below.
MEet your Coaches
Alex Maclin
Founder + Nutrition Coach
Christina schroeder
Nutrition Coach
How Are We different?
You have your own life, problems, habits, food preferences—you name it. No two individuals are completely alike, so why would those 2 people need exactly the same approach? Most nutrition coaches, programs, apps and diets seem to forget that you are unique and only prescribe to ONE way of getting things done.
It may be counting calories or macros, giving you a meal plan, super clean-eating, going low carb-high fat, or low fat-high carb, and etc. The thing is that ONE way of doing things may work for some people, but for you it may not.
The only method(s) that’s for sure to work in both the short and long-term, are the ones that you can do consistently so they become habitual. For that to happen, what you do has to meet your needs, fit your lifestyle. You also have to be ready, willing, and able to do the work required.
Most nutrition programs, diets, apps or coaches will just show their way of doing things instead of truly they meeting you where you are. For example: let's say you don't know how or have the desire to weigh all your food on a food scale, log everything you eat in a tracking app and track macros or calories.
Do you honestly think you will stick to all that if a coach tells you that's what you have to do to see results?
The things you do to change your nutrition (and life) must be things you're ready, willing and able to do. If you're not, then you're less likely to do it with any consistency, and in nutrition, consistency is the glue that holds everything together.
We don’t have one single method. We’ve spent a lot of time learning and implementing several different evidence-based approaches with nutrition, health and mindset. We’ve acquired many methods we can use to help you achieve successes. With you, we'd use whatever methods or strategies that you're willing to do and will get you the results you want. It's a collaborative effort and we work together to solve your problems. This is true individualization. We focus on your needs and where you want to go, not where we think you should go.
After all, this is about you remember?
If you're interested in working with us to improve your nutrition, wellness and performance we encourage you to apply using the form below.
“I’ve been involved in a variety of health and fitness programs over the years and have worked with a number of coaches, trainers, and nutritionists—but Alex is unique. His approach is about meeting me where I’m at, tackling what I am ready, willing and able to tackle, and doing so in a way that fits within my lifestyle.”
Ready to get Started?
Fill out the Form Below.
What To expect After You Contact us
After you submit the form above, you’ll get an email with the link to the nutrition coaching application questionnaire.
There will also be some instructions on how to complete the 3 day food record.
Once you complete the questionnaire, one of our coaches or I will reach out to you to set up an appointment for our consultation. You can expect this call to last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. At the end of our call, we’ll give you some feedback and coaching and discuss working together if we both feel it’s a good fit.
Coaching rates vary and are generally discussed on the consult call. The consult call is still 100% free. If you have specific questions about pricing, please email us here: alex@alexmaclin.com.
Thanks and looking forward to talking with you!